aql nazree


Acrylic on canvas, 10″ x 8″

Digital prints available in various sizes including 7″x 5″ and 19″ x 13″. 

This piece is also featured along side other beautiful art in the Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners 2017 Calendar – Sustaining Movements.  Please see “Events” section for more details.

This calligraphy breaks down the word “aql nazree” into its individual letters. It demonstrates the pertinence of each individual and each creative thought informing beautiful ideas and collective visions of freedom.

The artistic use of this word is inspired by the artist’s interpretation of a passage in “The Geometry of God” by Uzma Aslam Khan. The passage is a dialogue between the protagonists Mehwish and Amal. The author uses the word “aql nazari” to challenge the false binary between imaginative and practical intellects.  As such, the intention of this calligraphic art is to express the importance of imagination in social justice work, and to do so using Urdu calligraphy, which challenges the false binary between math and art.

“I greatly appreciate the thought that Farha has put into her reading of the book.  Binaries (between art and science, faith and science, men and women, east and west, etc) must be challenged.  Farha’s calligraphy is a beautiful way to harmonize what others would have us divide.”  -Uzma Aslam Khan, author of “The Geometry of God.”