“Black Lives Matter” written in Arabic-Persian Script, with Urdu/Hindi phonetics.
Watercolour and Acrylic on hotpress, 9″ x 6″
Limited digital prints available at selected events and Librairie Racines. This is a fund-raiser in solidarity with Librairie Racines (IG@racinesmontreal).
As an atheist and spiritual Muslim-identifying person, I practice dua in ways that make most sense to me. The following is an intention, hope, and commitment that I had subsequent to reflecting on Muslim spaces of support/healing in Tio’tia:ke (montreal), media reporting on the anti-Muslim shootings (of Black and Brown people) at a mosque in quebec city, #BlackLivesMatter, and solidarity. “May my nieces, and generations to come, continue to learn about Black warriors/healers/teachers/artists/organizers/… who have been/are/will be part of Black liberation movements, and in this way, integral to social justice and liberation for all.
To non-Black south asians/non-Black Muslims: let us sincerely fight against colourism, and anti-Black racism within our families, communities, and organizing spaces. Let us be guided by intersectional feminism.
Art process:
I asked my lovely nieces if they would be into me painting their hand next to each other, to make the form of a dua. They generously accepted. We had a discussion about the mentioned intention/dua. One of my nieces also chose the background colors. My mother helped me with the Urdu transliteration. I am grateful for this intergenerational artistic support.